Urban traffic flow prediction using a fuzzy-neural approach

Urban traffic flow prediction using a fuzzy-neural approach

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Article ID: iaor20031095
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 10C
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 85
End Page Number: 98
Publication Date: Apr 2002
Journal: Transportation Research. Part C, Emerging Technologies
Authors: , , ,
Keywords: fuzzy sets, urban affairs

This paper develops a fuzzy-neural model (FNM) to predict the traffic flows in an urban street network, which has long been considered a major element in the responsive urban traffic control systems. The FNM consists of two modules: a gate network (GN) and an expert network (EN). The GN classifies the input data into a number of clusters using a fuzzy approach, and the EN specifies the input–output relationship as in a conventional neural network approach. While the GN groups traffic patterns of similar characteristics into clusters, the EN models the specific relationship within each cluster. An online rolling training procedure is proposed to train the FNM, which enhances its predictive power through adaptive adjustments of the model coefficients in response to the real-time traffic conditions. Both simulation and real observation data are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method.


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