Scheduling manufacturing systems for delayed product differentiation in agile manufacturing

Scheduling manufacturing systems for delayed product differentiation in agile manufacturing

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Article ID: iaor2003211
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 40
Issue: 11
Start Page Number: 2461
End Page Number: 2481
Publication Date: Jan 2002
Journal: International Journal of Production Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: agile manufacturing

Production of customized products to respond to changing markets in a short time and at a low cost for agile manufacturing can be implemented with delayed product differentiation in a manufacturing system. The successful implementation of delayed product differentiation lies in efficient scheduling of the manufacturing system. Scheduling problems in implementing delayed product differentiation in a general flexible manufacturing system are defined, formulated and solved here. The manufacturing system consists of two stages: machining and assembly. At the machining stage, a single machine is used to produce standard component parts for assembly products. These parts are then assembled at the assembly stage by multiple identical assembly stations to form customized products. The products to be produced in the system are characterized by their assembly sequences represented by digraphs. The scheduling problem is to determine the sequence of products to be produced in the system so that the maximum completion time (makespan) is minimized for any given number of assembly stations at the assembly stage. Based on the representation of assembly sequence of the products, three production modes are defined: production of a single product with a simple assembly sequence; production of a single product with a complex assembly sequence; and production of N products. According to the three defined production modes, the associated scheduling problems are defined as Gs scheduling problems, Gc scheduling problems and N-product scheduling problems, respectively. Optimal and heuristic methods for solving the scheduling problems are developed. The computational experiment shows that the heuristics provide good solutions to the scheduling problems.


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