Sequencing and scheduling in flowshops with task redistribution

Sequencing and scheduling in flowshops with task redistribution

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Article ID: iaor20022802
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 52
Issue: 12
Start Page Number: 1379
End Page Number: 1389
Publication Date: Dec 2001
Journal: Journal of the Operational Research Society
Authors: ,
Keywords: production

In some manufacturing situations, station tasks or operations can be shifted or redistributed to adjacent stations. This can be done when these stations have the appropriate equipment, and the workers on that station can perform the shifted work to a reasonable level of competency. This paper addresses such an environment and provides a general framework for applying the shifting or redistribution of tasks methodology to the intermediate storage, no-intermediate storage and no-wait flowshop problems. The outcome of this research is a way in which to utilise more efficiently the general-purpose facilities of this type of production environment. It includes mathematical models, recurrence equations and solution techniques for sequencing and scheduling. From an extensive numerical investigation, the benefits achieved by the application of this methodology are detailed.


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