Real-time batch sequencing using arrival time control algorithm

Real-time batch sequencing using arrival time control algorithm

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Article ID: iaor20022291
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 39
Issue: 17
Start Page Number: 3863
End Page Number: 3880
Publication Date: Jan 2001
Journal: International Journal of Production Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: production: JIT

This paper proposes a new feedback control method for batch sequencing in process industries where meeting customer due-date is important. Specifically, short-term batch sequencing for Just-In-Time is solved using an arrival time control approach. An integral controller embedded in each order adjusts the arrival time in real-time using the feedback obtained from a fast-mode simulation of the batch processing system. The applicability of the proposed batch sequencing method for the Penn State University Creamery is studied. Comparison of due-date performance with commonly used dispatching rules is presented. The proposed method has also been tested for general batch processing systems and has been found to produce good, feasible schedules with significantly better performance than the dispatching rules in terms of due-date deviation minimization.


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