Performance analysis of a two-queue model with an (M,N)-threshold service schedule

Performance analysis of a two-queue model with an (M,N)-threshold service schedule

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Article ID: iaor20022026
Country: Japan
Volume: 44
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 101
End Page Number: 124
Publication Date: Jun 2001
Journal: Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan
Authors: , ,
Keywords: networks, queues: applications

In this paper, we consider a polling system consisting of two-parallel queues and a single server under an (M,N)-threshold nonpreemptive priority service schedule. Two thresholds M and N(0 ≤ M < N) are set up in one of two queues, say, the second queue. At each epoch of service completion, the server decides which queue is to be served next according to the control level reached by the number of customers in the second queue. For the queueing model, we vary out the performance analysis by using the transform method and propose an algorithm to compute the generating functions of the stationary joint queue length distributions at service completion instants. We also determine the Laplace–Stieltjes transforms of the waiting time distributions for both queues, and obtain their mean waiting times.


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