A metric for agility measuremnt in product development

A metric for agility measuremnt in product development

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Article ID: iaor2002599
Country: United States
Volume: 32
Issue: 7
Start Page Number: 637
End Page Number: 645
Publication Date: Jul 2000
Journal: IIE Transactions
Authors: , ,
Keywords: product switching

The achievement of lower product cycle times requires the use of a multidimensional agility measure. In addition to quantifying a manufacturer's ability to respond quickly and cost effectively to sudden unexpected changes in customer demands, this measure should be able to guide the concurrent engineering effort. Such a measure is described in this paper. This model utilizes state variable based performance metrics, which account for the hierarchy among design activities. Also, to address the subjectivity that is inherent in this process and provide confidence interval estimates for the resulting agility measures, simulation modeling is used.


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