Allocating buffer storages in a pull system

Allocating buffer storages in a pull system

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Article ID: iaor198857
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 26
Issue: 12
Start Page Number: 1959
End Page Number: 1980
Publication Date: Dec 1988
Journal: International Journal of Production Research
Authors: ,

This report proposes a method of estimating the amount of safety stock needed in each station of a production line due to variation in processing times, machine breakdowns and demand fluctuation in order to meet a predetermined desired level of performance. The production line is assumed to operate as a pull system and the measure of performance is the average percentage of demand backlogged. Multiple machines and different batch sizes in the stations are included in the model. Dynamic production control is used and is based on the current inventory level in every station of the system. Simulation results are used to test the performance of the system in which the maximum inventory level allowed in each station is based on the extimation given by the present method.


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