Benchmarks for scheduling on a single machine against restrictive and unrestrictive common due dates

Benchmarks for scheduling on a single machine against restrictive and unrestrictive common due dates

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Article ID: iaor2002210
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 28
Issue: 8
Start Page Number: 787
End Page Number: 801
Publication Date: Jul 2001
Journal: Computers and Operations Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: heuristics

We consider the NP-hard problem of scheduling jobs on a single machine against common due dates with respect to earliness and tardiness penalties. The paper covers two aspects: Firstly, we develop a problem generator and solve 280 instances with two new heuristics to obtain upper bounds on the optimal objective function value. Secondly, we demonstrate computationally that our heuristics are efficient in obtaining near-optimal solutions for small problem instances. The generated problem instances in combination with the upper bounds can be used as benchmarks for future approaches in the field of common due-date scheduling.


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