Integrating new information and communication technologies in a group decision support system

Integrating new information and communication technologies in a group decision support system

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Article ID: iaor20014058
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 7
Issue: 6
Start Page Number: 487
End Page Number: 507
Publication Date: Nov 2000
Journal: International Transactions in Operational Research
Keywords: computers: information

We view group decision making as a collaborative process, where decision makers can establish a common belief on the dimensions of the problem by following a series of well-defined communicative actions. Having first defined these actions, this paper reports on the exploitation of recent advances in information and communication technology, which can be used to: (i) remove the communication impediments among spatially dispersed decision makers; (ii) efficiently elicit and represent the domain of knowledge; (iii) develop efficient mechanisms to structure and consistently maintain the decision analysis; and (iv) automate the decision making process itself. Automation concerns coherence and consistency checking, detection of contradictions, truth maintenance, and information retrieval techniques.


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