Machine scheduling with a rate-modifying activity

Machine scheduling with a rate-modifying activity

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Article ID: iaor20013906
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 128
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 119
End Page Number: 128
Publication Date: Jan 2001
Journal: European Journal of Operational Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: computational analysis

Motivated by a problem commonly found in electronic assembly lines, this paper deals with the problem of scheduling jobs and a rate-modifying activity on a single machine. A rate-modifying activity is an activity that changes the production rate of the equipment under consideration. Hence the processing times of jobs vary depending on whether the job is scheduled before or after the rate-modifying activity. The decisions under consideration are when to schedule the rate-modifying activity and the sequence of jobs to optimize some performance measure. In this paper, we develop polynomial algorithms for solving problems of minimizing makespan, and total completion time respectively. We also develop pseudo-polynomial algorithms for solving problems of total weighted completion time under the agreeable ratio assumption. We prove that the problem of minimizing maximum lateness is NP-hard and also provide a pseudo-polynomial time algorithm to solve it optimally.


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