Finite-capacity production planning algorithms for a semiconductor wafer fabrication facility

Finite-capacity production planning algorithms for a semiconductor wafer fabrication facility

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Article ID: iaor20013279
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 39
Issue: 5
Start Page Number: 825
End Page Number: 842
Publication Date: Jan 2001
Journal: International Journal of Production Research
Authors: , , ,
Keywords: electronics industry

We consider the problem of production planning for a semiconductor wafer fabrication facility producing application-specific integrated circuits to customer order. Using a simple planning algorithm based on forward scheduling for work-in-progress and backward scheduling for new orders, the effects of the level of detail at which the production process is modelled was examined. A simulation study showed that considering all near-constraint workcentres explicitly as having finite-capacity gives the best results. Also examined were the effects of undercapacity planning, and it was shown that when coupled with a shop-floor scheduling procedure driven by the planned completion date rather than customer due dates, significant improvements in both delivery performance and system predictability were obtained.


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