Performance measures and data requirements for congestion management systems

Performance measures and data requirements for congestion management systems

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Article ID: iaor20012837
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 8C
Issue: 1/6
Start Page Number: 287
End Page Number: 306
Publication Date: Feb 2000
Journal: Transportation Research. Part C, Emerging Technologies
Keywords: urban affairs, measurement

Many metropolitan areas have started programs to monitor the performance of their transportation network and to develop systems to measure and manage congestion. This paper presents a review of issues, procedures, and examples of application of geographic information system (GIS) technology to the development of congestion management systems (CMSs). The paper examines transportation network performance measures and discusses the benefit of using travel time as a robust, easy to understand performance measure. The paper addresses data needs and examines the use of global positioning system (GPS) technology for the collection of travel time and speed data. The paper also describes GIS platforms and sample user interfaces to process the data collected in the field, data attribute requirements and database schemas, and examples of application of GIS technology for the production of maps and tabular reports.


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