Monthly data and short-term forecasting: An assessment of monthly data in a VAR model

Monthly data and short-term forecasting: An assessment of monthly data in a VAR model

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Article ID: iaor20012576
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 18
Issue: 7
Start Page Number: 447
End Page Number: 462
Publication Date: Dec 1999
Journal: International Journal of Forecasting
Authors: ,
Keywords: economics

Use of monthly data for economic forecasting purposes is typically constrained by the absence of monthly estimates of GDP. Such data can be interpolated but are then prone to measurement error. However, the variance matrix of the measurement errors is typically known. We present a technique for estimating a VAR on monthly data, making use of interpolated estimates of GDP and correcting for the impact of measurement error. We then address the question how to establish whether the model estimated from the interpolated monthly data contains information absent from the analogous quarterly VAR. The techniques are illustrated using a bivariate VAR modelling GDP growth and inflation. It is found that, using inflation data adjusted to remove seasonal effects and the impacts of changes to indirect taxes, the monthly model has little to add to a quarterly model when projecting one quarter ahead. However, the monthly model has an important role to play in building up a picture of the current quarter once one or two months' hard data become available.


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