Second order symmetric duality in mathematical programming with F-convexity

Second order symmetric duality in mathematical programming with F-convexity

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Article ID: iaor20012519
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 127
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 507
End Page Number: 518
Publication Date: Dec 2000
Journal: European Journal of Operational Research
Keywords: programming: integer

Under second order F-convexity F-concavity and second order F-pseudoconvexity F-pseudoconcavity, appropriate second order duality results for pair of Wolfe and Mond–Weir type second order symmetric dual nonlinear programming problems are established. These second order duality results are then used to formulate Wolfe type and Mond–Weir type second order minimax mixed integer dual programs and symmetric duality theorem is established under separability and second order F-convexity F-concavity of the kernel function f(x,y). Second order symmetric dual fractional mixed integer programs are studied using the above programs. Moreover, second order self-duality theorems for the above pairs are obtained assuming f(x,y) to be skew symmetric.


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