Mishra S.K.

S.K. Mishra

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Found 13 papers in total
Second order symmetric duality in multiobjective programming involving generalized cone-invex functions
In this paper, cone-second order pseudo-invex and strongly cone-second order...
Optimality and duality for a multi-objective programming problem involving generalized d-type-I and related n-set functions
In this paper, we introduce several generalized convexity for a real-valued set...
Mond–Weir type second order symmetric duality in non-differentiable minimax mixed integer programming problems
A pair of Mond–Weir type non-differentiable second order symmetric minimax mixed...
Non-differentiable higher-order symmetric duality in mathematical programming with generalized invexity
A pair of non-differentiable higher-order symmetric dual model in mathematical...
Nondifferentiable multiobjective programming under generalized d-univexity
In this paper, we are concerned with a nondifferentiable multiobjective programming...
Second order symmetric duality for nonlinear multiobjective mixed integer programming
We formulate two pairs of second order symmetric duality for nonlinear multiobjective...
Optimality and duality with generalized semi-univexity
We introduce the notion of semi-univex function (nonsmooth) and the associated...
Second order symmetric duality in mathematical programming with F-convexity
Under second order F -convexity F -concavity and second order F -pseudoconvexity F...
Multiobjective second order symmetric duality with cone constraints
We formulate a pair of multiobjective symmetric dual programs for arbitrary cones. Our...
Generalized pseudo convex minmax programming
Necessary and sufficient optimality conditions are obtained for a general minmax...
On sufficiency and duration in nonsmooth multiobjective programming
A nonsmooth multiobjective programming problem is considered and...
Constrained vector valued ratio games and generalized subdifferentiable multiobjective fractional minimax programming
Certain constrained two-persons zero-sum ratio game with vector pay-off is considered...
Duality for generalized convex multiobjective programming without a constraint qualification
The authors establish weak and strong duality relations for a pair of multiobjective...
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