A methodological framework for evaluating environmentally conscious manufacturing programs

A methodological framework for evaluating environmentally conscious manufacturing programs

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Article ID: iaor20012389
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 36
Issue: 4
Start Page Number: 793
End Page Number: 810
Publication Date: Sep 1999
Journal: Computers & Industrial Engineering
Keywords: management, statistics: data envelopment analysis

The evaluation of environmentally conscious manufacturing programs is similar to many strategic initiatives and their justification methodologies. This similarity arises from the fact that there are multiple factors that need to be considered, many of which have long-term and broad implications for an organization. The types of programs that could be evaluated range from the appropriate selection of product designs and materials to major disassembly programs that may be implemented in parallel with standard assembly programs. The methodology will involve the synthesis of the analytical network process (ANP) and data envelopment analysis (DEA). We consider some of the more recent modeling innovations in each of these areas to help us address a critical and important decision that many managers and organizations are beginning to face. An illustrative example provides some insights into the application of this methodology. Additional issues and research questions within are also identified.


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