Optimal price and order size for a reseller under partial backordering

Optimal price and order size for a reseller under partial backordering

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Article ID: iaor20012160
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 28
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 53
End Page Number: 65
Publication Date: Jan 2001
Journal: Computers and Operations Research
Keywords: lot sizing

The problem of determining the optimal price and lot size for a reseller is considered in this paper. It is assumed that demand can be backlogged and that the selling price is constant within the inventory cycle. The backlogging phenomenon is modeled without using the backorder cost and the lost sale cost since these costs are not easy to estimate in practice. The case in which the selling price is fixed and therefore, demand is a known constant is also considered. Given the new way of modeling the backlogging phenomenon, the results for the case of constant demand are developed. Analysis is also presented for the reselling situation in which a nonperishable product is sold.


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