Article ID: | iaor2001981 |
Country: | United Kingdom |
Volume: | 27 |
Issue: | 7/8 |
Start Page Number: | 709 |
End Page Number: | 723 |
Publication Date: | Jun 2000 |
Journal: | Computers and Operations Research |
Authors: | Miettinen Kaisa M., Mkel Marko, M. |
Keywords: | programming: multiple criteria, communication |
NIMBUS is a multiobjective optimization method capable of solving nondifferentiable and nonconvex problems. We describe the NIMBUS algorithm and its implementation WWW-NIMBUS. To our knowledge WWW-NIMBUS is the first interactive multiobjective optimization system on the Internet. The main principles of its implementation are centralized computing and a distributed interface. Typically, the delivery and update of any software is problematic. Limited computer capacity may also be a problem. Via the Internet, there is only one version of the software to be updated and any client computer has the capabilities of a server computer. Further, the World-Wide Web (WWW) provides a graphical user interface. No special tools, compilers or software besides a WWW browser are needed.