A model for vending machine services in the soft drink industry

A model for vending machine services in the soft drink industry

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Article ID: iaor20003504
Country: Singapore
Volume: 13
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 209
End Page Number: 224
Publication Date: Nov 1996
Journal: Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research
Authors: , , ,
Keywords: personnel & manpower planning, vehicle routing & scheduling

This paper deals with the provision of services for vending machines in the soft drink industry. The benefits that vending machines can provide have been widely recognized in recent years; a growing number have been installed, giving rise to the concern over maintenance and distribution costs. This paper briefly introduces the different types of vending machines and their operation, considerations for assigning them to different locations, and the types of maintenance crew required. It then focuses on the service and distribution issues of vending machines, presents a framework for determining the manpower requirement to maintain the service level, and suggests several heuristic procedures for scheduling and routing the servicemen. These heuristics are simple, but practical. Thus, the proposed methods may have high chances to be implemented successfully in actual operations.


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