A simulation engine for custom project management education

A simulation engine for custom project management education

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Article ID: iaor20003416
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 18
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 201
End Page Number: 213
Publication Date: Jun 2000
Journal: International Journal of Project Management
Keywords: construction & architecture

The Project Management Simulation Engine is a software environment for generating customised computer-based simulations that facilitate project management education from a management perspective. This paper first describes a particular implementation called Contract & Construct, which models a contract management approach in a large construction project. Experience of running the simulation is discussed, including an analysis of strategies adopted by players and their resulting performance. Then the paper briefly presents the underlying architecture of the engine, and shows how its database implementation can support the generation of customised simulations for different projects. The paper also shows how the simulation can be used as a research instrument into participant behaviour, and discusses extensions to the work.


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