Lee G.M.

G.M. Lee

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Found 6 papers in total
On convergence of descent methods for variational inequalities in a Hilbert space
In this paper, properties of differentiable gap functions for variational inequalities...
Generalized properly efficient solutions of vector optimization problems
Generalized properly efficient solutions of a vector optimization problem (VP) are...
Upper subderivatives and generalized gradients of the marginal function of a non-Lipschitzian program
We obtain an upper bound for the upper subderivative of the marginal function of an...
Counterexample and optimality conditions in differentiable multiobjective programming
Recently, sufficient optimality theorems for (weak) Pareto-optimal solutions of a...
Equivalents of an approximate variational principle for vector-valued functions and applications
In an earlier paper, we gave a unified variational principle for vector valued...
Duality for multiobjective programming involving n-set functions
The authors formulate the Wolfe, Mond-Weir and generalized Mond-Weir types of dual...
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