Mathematical model and solution method of optimization problem of placement of rectangles and circles taking into account special constraints

Mathematical model and solution method of optimization problem of placement of rectangles and circles taking into account special constraints

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Article ID: iaor19993106
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 5
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 45
End Page Number: 57
Publication Date: Jan 1998
Journal: International Transactions in Operational Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: placement, geometry

A mathematical model of the problem is constructed. A feasible region and peculiarities of the problem are investigated. Extremum of a linear objective function is searched at extreme points. To solve the problem a solution method based on a combination of the branch-and-bound algorithm and the reduced gradient method is utilized. A search tree for sorting all the extreme points of the feasible region is constructed. A stepwise passage from one extreme point to another towards decreasing the objective function is given. Appropriate software has been developed. To illustrate results of calculations the examples are given.


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