Variable neighborhood search for the p-median

Variable neighborhood search for the p-median

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Article ID: iaor19991621
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 5
Issue: 4
Start Page Number: 207
End Page Number: 226
Publication Date: Dec 1997
Journal: Location Science
Authors: ,
Keywords: -centre problem, tabu search

Consider a set L of potential locations for p facilitites and a set U of locations of given users. The p-median problem is to locate simultaneously the p facilities at locations of L in order to minimize the total transportation cost for satisfying the demand of the users, each supplied from its closest facility. This model is a basic one in location theory and can also be interpreted in terms of cluster analysis where locations of users are then replaced by points in a given space. We propose several new Variable Neighborhood Search heuristics for the p-median problem and compare them with Greedy plus Interchange, and two Tabu Search heuristics.


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