A two warehouse inventory model for deteriorating items with a linear trend in demand and shortages

A two warehouse inventory model for deteriorating items with a linear trend in demand and shortages

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Article ID: iaor19991599
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 49
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 287
End Page Number: 292
Publication Date: Mar 1998
Journal: Journal of the Operational Research Society
Authors: ,

In this paper, we develop a deterministic inventory model with two warehouses (one is the existing storage known as own warehouse (OW) and the other is hired on rental basis known as rented warehouse (RW)). The model allows different levels of item deterioration in both warehouses. The demand rate is supposed to be a linear (increasing) function of time and the replenishment rate is infinite. The stock is transferred from RW to OW in continuous release pattern and the associated transportation cost is taken into account. Shortages in OW are allowed and excess demand is backlogged. For the general model, we give the equations for the optimal policy and cost function and we discuss some special cases. A numerical example is given to illustrate the solution procedure of the model. Finally, based on this example, we conduct a sensitivity analysis of the model.


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