Group scheduling on two cells with intercell movement

Group scheduling on two cells with intercell movement

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Article ID: iaor19971805
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 23
Issue: 10
Start Page Number: 997
End Page Number: 1006
Publication Date: Oct 1996
Journal: Computers and Operations Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: programming: branch and bound, heuristics

A set of jobs needs to be processed in a GT/CM system, which consists of two cells between which the intercell movement exists. One or more families are assigned to each of the cells. The problem under investigation is to determine a sequence of operations in each cell so as to minimize the mean flow time of jobs. Several properties of the problem are derived in this paper. These properties, together with a lower bound calculation, are used to develop a branch-and-bound solution procedure. A heuristic is also developed to solve large-sized problems. Computational results of both procedures are reported.


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