A numerical approach to the repairman problem with two different types of machine

A numerical approach to the repairman problem with two different types of machine

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Article ID: iaor1989451
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 40
Issue: 9
Start Page Number: 797
End Page Number: 803
Publication Date: Sep 1989
Journal: Journal of the Operational Research Society
Keywords: queues: theory

This paper deals with a heterogeneous machine-interference model under the assumption that the priority machines have pre-emptive priority over the ordinary ones. In each group, machines are characterized by exponentially distributed failure and repair times with different rates. The failed machines are served by a single repairman according to FIFO discipline. The aim of the paper is to give the steady-state operational characteristics of the system, such as operative utilization, expected busy-period length, machine availability, mean waiting times and average number of failed machines. Finally, numerical examples illustrate the problem in question.


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