Theory and practice of decision tree induction

Theory and practice of decision tree induction

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Article ID: iaor19962186
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 23
Issue: 6
Start Page Number: 637
End Page Number: 652
Publication Date: Dec 1995
Journal: OMEGA
Authors: ,
Keywords: decision theory

Induction methods have recently been found to be useful in a wide variety of business related problems, including in the construction of expert systems. Decision tree induction is an important type of inductive learning method. Empirical results have shown that pruning a decision tree sometimes improves its accuracy. This paper summarizes theoretical results of pruning and illustrates these results with an example. It gives a sample size sufficient for decision tree induction with pruning based on recently developed learning theory. For situations where it is difficult to obtain a large enough sample, the paper provides several methods for a posterior evaluation of the accuracy of a pruned decision tree. Finally, it summarizes conditions under which purning is necessary for better prediction accuracy.


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