A heuristic for a resource-capacitated multi-stage lot-sizing problem with lead times

A heuristic for a resource-capacitated multi-stage lot-sizing problem with lead times

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Article ID: iaor19961586
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 46
Issue: 10
Start Page Number: 1208
End Page Number: 1222
Publication Date: Oct 1995
Journal: Journal of the Operational Research Society
Authors: ,
Keywords: heuristics

This paper proposes a heuristic for the resource-capacitated multi-stage lot-sizing problem with general product structures, set-up costs and resource usage, work-in-process inventory costs and lead times. To facilitate the functioning of the heuristic, it uses the formulation of the problem based on Echelon Stock in a rolling horizon scheme. The heuristic first obtains a reasonable solution to the corresponding uncapacitated problem and then tries to attain capacity feasibility by shifting production backwards in time. The concept of echelon stock makes the task of checking the inventory feasibility of proposed shifts easier than would be the case with conventional installation stock. The heuristic is first tested computationally for problems with a five-computer product structure over a 12 period planning horizon for which optimal solutions were available and for which optimality precision guarantees were also obtained via Lagrangian Relaxation. The heuristic’s performance is also explored with two different 40-component product structures, with high and low set-up costs, and is compared with the Lagrangian precision guarantees.


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