Expected travel time and optimal boundary formulas for a two-class-based automated storage/retrieval system

Expected travel time and optimal boundary formulas for a two-class-based automated storage/retrieval system

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Article ID: iaor1996869
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 33
Issue: 10
Start Page Number: 2889
End Page Number: 2905
Publication Date: Oct 1995
Journal: International Journal of Production Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: material handling

The present paper studies a two-class-based rectangular-in-time automated storage/retrieval system (AS/RS). The authors present explicit formulas for the optimal boundary of the two storage areas as well as for the expected single command cycle time for an optimally designed rack. In the basic model each crane handles a single aisle. These formulas provide the designer with a full picture of the quantitative effects of the various factors (i.e., access frequencies of the two storage areas, and dimensions of the rack) on the optimal boundary of the two storage areas and the achievable cycle time in the warehouse. The authors also develop expected travel time formulas for the dual command AS/RS with two-class-based storage policies and obtain the optimal boundary with a one-dimensional search procedure. Similar developments (i.e., expected travel time formulas and optimal boundary search procedures) are discussed for AS/RS with a single command policy but with each crane handling multiple aisles.


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