The innovations by firms in the information sector and their role towards social modernization (the case of Greece)

The innovations by firms in the information sector and their role towards social modernization (the case of Greece)

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Article ID: iaor199627
Country: Greece
Volume: 2
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 41
End Page Number: 68
Publication Date: Feb 1994
Journal: Studies In Regional and Urban Planning
Keywords: information

In the last 10 years, the micro-electronic information sector has been developing in a dynamic way in Greece. It is mainly involved with commercial activities while its manufacturing activities are very limited. The use of computer systems is satisfactory in the traditional sectors where these systems are being applied. 99% of all hardware material and 65% of software are imported by Greece from abroad. This means that only in the software sector there exists an important production. This study mainly involves the small medium-sized firms which function within the micro-electronic information sector. As small medium-sized firms in Greece are considered the ones employing a maximum of 50 workers. These firms represent about 98% of the total number of firms in Greece. In our study we have mainly utilized the empirical methods of the questionnaires and interviews, the method of cluster analysis and the method of international comparisons. The questionnaire was completed in 102 firms in Athens, Thessaloniki, Patras and Heracleion, representing 29% of the total number of firms in this sector operating in the country. In Greece such research has been undertaken for the first time. The main confirmations and conclusions of the study can be summarized as follows: The majority of the firms are new modern ones, ideal for adapting new ideas and practices. The largest section of these firms is centered in Athens and Thessaloniki. The majority of these (95.1%) are small and medium-sized. There is a clear tendency of conversion from family owned enterprises to limited and unlimited companies. The majority of the firms have developed many types of activities aiming at a kind of linkage among them. The majority activity is in the writing-development of software, followed by commerce. The labor force which these firms employ has higher standards of training than in other sectors of the economy.


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