Roubst scheduling to hedge against processing time uncertainty in single-stage production

Roubst scheduling to hedge against processing time uncertainty in single-stage production

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Article ID: iaor1996141
Country: United States
Volume: 41
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 363
End Page Number: 376
Publication Date: Feb 1995
Journal: Management Science
Authors: ,
Keywords: heuristics

Schedulers confronted with significant processing time uncertainty often discover that a schedule which is optimal with respect to a deterministic or stochastic scheduling model yields quite poor performance when evaluated relative to the actual processing times. In these environments, the notion of schedule robustness, i.e., determining the schedule with the best worst-case performance compared to the corresponding optimal solution over all potential realizations of job processing times, is a more appropriate guide to schedule selection. In this paper, the authors formalize the robust scheduling concept for scheduling situations with uncertain or variable processing times. To illustrate the development of solution approaches for a robust scheduling problem, they consider a single-machine environment where the performance criterion of interest is the total flow time over all jobs. The authors define two measures of schedule robustness, formulate the robust scheduling problem, establish its complexity, describe properties of the optimal schedule, and present exact and heuristic solution procedures. Extensive computational results are reported to demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed solution procedures.


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