An adaptive sample size CUSUM control chart

An adaptive sample size CUSUM control chart

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Article ID: iaor19952061
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 33
Issue: 6
Start Page Number: 1605
End Page Number: 1616
Publication Date: Jun 1995
Journal: International Journal of Production Research
Authors: , , ,
Keywords: control charts

The Cumulative Sum Chart for process control is designed to detect relatively small shifts in the mean of the process variable. In this paper, the authors show that by using samples of two different sizes, rather than a fixed sample, improvements in the chart’s ability to detect small shifts are possible. These improvements are obtained without increasing the likelihood of a false alarm when the process mean is on target. The average run length values for the adaptive sample scheme are compared to those for a fixed sample scheme for different magnitudes of shifts in the process mean. A fast initial response scheme is presented. An example from a manufacturing process is used to illustrate the advantages of the adaptive sampling scheme.


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