A strong cutting plane algorithm for the robotic assembly line balancing problem

A strong cutting plane algorithm for the robotic assembly line balancing problem

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Article ID: iaor19952032
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 33
Issue: 8
Start Page Number: 2311
End Page Number: 2323
Publication Date: Aug 1995
Journal: International Journal of Production Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: programming: integer

The authors consider the problem of assigning assembly tasks, parts and tools on a serial robotic assembly line so that the total number of robot cells required is minimized while satisfying the various constraints. In this problem, they need to consider the limited space to store the parts and the tool capacity of the robot hand in addition to the precedence restriction between tasks and cycle time requirements usually found in the simple assembly line balancing problem. The authors give an integer programming formulation of this problem and a strong cutting plane algorithm to solve it. Computational experiences on some real world problems and randomly generated problems are reported.


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