A framework for modelling setup carryover in the capacitated lot sizing problem

A framework for modelling setup carryover in the capacitated lot sizing problem

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Article ID: iaor19952023
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 33
Issue: 7
Start Page Number: 1973
End Page Number: 1988
Publication Date: Jul 1995
Journal: International Journal of Production Research
Authors: , ,

This paper addresses the single-level capacitated lot sizing problem (CLSP) with setup carryover. Specifically, the authors consider a class of production planning problems in which multiple products can be produced within a time period and significant setup times are incurred when changing from one product to another. Hence, there might be instances where developing a feasible schedule becomes possible only if setups are carried over from one period to another. The authors develop a modelling framework to formulate the CLSP with setup times and setup carryovers. They then extend the modelling framework to include multiple machines and tool requirements planning. The need for such a model that integrates both planning and lot sizing decisions is motivated by the existence of a similar problem in a paper mill. The authors apply the modelling framework to solve optimally, an instance of the paper mill’s problem.


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