Implementation of a demand-pull system in a job shop environment

Implementation of a demand-pull system in a job shop environment

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Article ID: iaor19951290
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 32
Issue: 12
Start Page Number: 2915
End Page Number: 2927
Publication Date: Dec 1994
Journal: International Journal of Production Research
Authors: , , ,

This paper describes an implementation of JIT concepts in a medium-sized make-to-order manufacturing company. The authors develop a hybrid production control system for the company based on separating jobs with high production volumes following a standard routeing from relatively low-volume jobs with more complex routeings. The machines processing the high-volume standard-routeing jobs are treated as a virtual flow shop, and controlled by a hybrid push/pull system, while the remainder of the floor is managed as a job shop. Initial tests have shown that this system can significantly improve throughput and simplify the production scheduling task. The authors believe that the system can be applied to a wide range of industries with similar characteristics. They also describe the testing of the system and the circumstances under which its implementation was discontinued, which indicate some of the difficulties faced by small manufacturers in implementing such systems.


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