New heuristic solution procedures for the uniform graph partitioning problem: Extensions and evaluation

New heuristic solution procedures for the uniform graph partitioning problem: Extensions and evaluation

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Article ID: iaor1995695
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 21
Issue: 8
Start Page Number: 895
End Page Number: 907
Publication Date: Oct 1994
Journal: Computers and Operations Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: graphs

The uniform graph partitioning problem can be described as partitioning the nodes of a graph into two sets of equal size to minimize the sum of the cost of arcs having end-points in different sets. This problem has important applications in VLSI design, computer compiler design, and in placement and layout problems. The problem is known to be NP-complete. In this paper the authors propose a new heuristic procedure for solving the graph partitioning problem. This heuristic is based on a genetic algorithm with features tailored for solving the graph partitioning problem. The authors also summarize a technique for obtaining good bounds for this problem, and compare and analyse the results from new as well as existing graph partitioning heuristics.


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