A two-phase procedure for duplicating bottleneck machines in a linear layout, cellular manufacturing system

A two-phase procedure for duplicating bottleneck machines in a linear layout, cellular manufacturing system

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Article ID: iaor1995492
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 32
Issue: 9
Start Page Number: 2049
End Page Number: 2066
Publication Date: Sep 1994
Journal: International Journal of Production Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: programming: integer

The authors discuss a two-phase procedure for duplicating bottleneck machines in a cellular manufacturing system. Given a preliminary solution by a clustering technique, the first phase solves a cellular layout problem in which it assigns machine-cells to locations to minimize the total inter-cell material handling costs that result from the bottleneck parts. The purpose of this phase is to find an optimal linear layout of cells. The second phase finds the bottleneck machines that need to be duplicated to minimize the costs. A binary (integer) linear programming model is developed in this phase to minimize the total duplication costs and material handling costs (if not duplicated). Finally, a decision is made as to whether a solution with bottleneck machines, or duplication of bottleneck machines to avoid the bottleneck problem is to be accepted. An example is demonstrated to show how such a bottleneck problem in cellular manufacturing is solved.


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