Cell formation: The need for an integrated solution of the subproblems

Cell formation: The need for an integrated solution of the subproblems

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Article ID: iaor199572
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 32
Issue: 5
Start Page Number: 1197
End Page Number: 1218
Publication Date: May 1994
Journal: International Journal of Production Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: cellular manufacturing

Cellular manufacturing is a viable option in many manufacturing systems. There are various subproblems in the design of a cellular manufacturing system. These are machine group and part family formation, machine duplication, intracell layout and intercell layout. The only comprehensive design strategy that attempts to address all of these is production flow analysis. However, this technique is a sequential strategy where the subproblems mentioned above are assumed nested within each other and are solved in a forward pass with no feedback. This is a satisfactory approach only in cases where the part families are relatively disjoint and machine groups are formed without constraints on machine duplication to eliminate intercell flow. The presence of bottleneck machines and parts renders the problem considerably more complex, as the subproblems influence each other substantially. This paper presents an integrated framework for solving these subproblems by generating a limited set of feasible alternative solutions.


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