A comparison of alternative joint vendor-purchaser lot-sizing models

A comparison of alternative joint vendor-purchaser lot-sizing models

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Article ID: iaor1994828
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 31
Issue: 11
Start Page Number: 2661
End Page Number: 2676
Publication Date: Nov 1993
Journal: International Journal of Production Research
Authors: , ,
Keywords: lot sizing

This paper provides a comparative analysis of two sets of alternative joint lot-sizing models for the general one-vendor, many-nonidentical-purchasers case. Specifically, the basic joint economic lot size (irJELS) and individually responsible and rational decision (IRDD) models, and the simultaneous setup cost and order cost reduction versions are explored. Models for the latter situation are derived by the use of classical optimization techniques. A numerical example is presented which provides the basis for comparison of the models with the results of independent optimization (IO). For the basic models the previously reported advantages of IRRD are refuted. In the simultaneous investment case both the vendor and the purchasers realize significant savings over IO when the JELS policy is followed. This is not true for IRRD. This suggests that when an environment of co-operation between the parties has been established the JELS is a superior policy.


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