Machine grouping in cellular manufacturing

Machine grouping in cellular manufacturing

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Article ID: iaor199487
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 21
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 35
End Page Number: 52
Publication Date: Jan 1993
Journal: OMEGA
Keywords: manufacturing industries

Recent productivity gains enjoyed by Japan and other European countries have prompted more manufacturers from other countries to explore the use of advanced technologies as a means of improving their competitive edge in the world market. This paper presents a brief review of two of these technologies: robotics and group technologies (GT). Various research issues are discussed for each technology together with the strengths and weaknesses of the papers reviewed. As a means of integrating the two technologies, a group technology-based model for selecting robots for manufacturing cells is presented. An appropriate definition of similarity measure for the weighted codes of coding and classification analysis in GT is presented using a robot coding system example. A single linkage clustering algorithm is then proposed for use in finding robot clusters for a manufacturing cell. Finally a numerical example is presented to illustrate the model.


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