Evaluation of alternative leading indicators of British Columbia industrial employment

Evaluation of alternative leading indicators of British Columbia industrial employment

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Article ID: iaor199441
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 9
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 77
End Page Number: 83
Publication Date: Mar 1993
Journal: International Journal of Forecasting
Authors: ,
Keywords: personnel & manpower planning

Leading indicators based on principal components and weighted r2 values are evaluated in this study. The tests are based on out-of-sample forecasts of British Columbia employment. Overall, the principal component approach is found to be superior in tests conducted separately by forecast horizons ranging from 1 to 12 months, and in tests conducted in the months immediately following the 1984-2 turning point. This finding is explained in the study by the methodological superiority of the leading indicator based on principal components of the input series.


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