A simulation model for an urban fire fighting system

A simulation model for an urban fire fighting system

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Article ID: iaor19932302
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 20
Issue: 4
Start Page Number: 535
End Page Number: 542
Publication Date: Jul 1992
Journal: OMEGA
Keywords: simulation: applications

The purpose of the paper is to analyze the performance of a fire fighting system. Three basic parameters have been used during the simulation experiments: the number of fire fighting stations, the speed of fire fighting vehicles and the path coefficient (which represents the actual distances between the locations). Two performance criteria are chosen: the number of late arrivals, that is, the number of fire fighting interventions in which vehicles exceed the maximum allowable travelling times to arrive at the fire locations, and the average travelling time of vehicles to arrive at the fire locations. Based on experimentation with the model (i.e. 550 different simulation runs) it is observed that the fire fighting system has a similar performance response for each experiment.


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