Keyword: programming: nonlinear

Found 1019 papers in total
The cost of uncertainty in capacity expansion problems
The goals of this paper are to present a two-stage programming model for the capacity...
A modified pattern search method with relaxed lexicographic minimization for engineering design
In engineering design, many design problems have multiple constraints and objectives,...
A tree-search method for solving a cutting stock assignment problem
Many production environments such as carpet or flat glass manufacturing have linked...
Designing portfolios of financial products via integrated simulation and optimization models
We analyze the problem of debt issuance through the sale of innovative financial...
A vertex algorithm for collision detection
An algorithm for detecting the collision of moving objects is presented. The algorithm...
Decreasing the sensitivity of open-loop optimal solutions in decision making under uncertainty
We consider a framework for approximating the effects of uncertainty within the...
Iterative methods for approximation of fixed points and their applications
In this article, we deal with iterative methods for approximation of fixed points and...
Dynamic programming using the Fritz–John conditions
This paper presents a new method for action elimination in deterministic dynamic...
An heuristic algorithm for a multi-product, single machine capacitated production scheduling problem
This paper develops a technique for solving a capacitated production scheduling...
A bilevel programming approach to determining tax credits for biofuel production
This paper presents a bilevel programming formulation of a leader–follower game...
Modeling the consumer benefit in the optimal power flow
The addition of a model of the consumer into the traditional optimal power flow (OPF)...
Finding optimal nuclear reactor core reload patterns using nonlinear optimization and search heuristics
A simplified but still quite realistic model of the nuclear reactor fuel management...
On optimal grid construction in numerical integration
This paper presents an optimization approach to the construction of optimal grids for...
A linearly convergent derivative-free descent method for strongly monotone complementarity problems
We establish the first rate of convergence result for the class of derivative-free...
Mathematical properties of least absolute value estimation with serial correlation
This study explores mathematical properties of Least Absolute Value Estimation (LAVE)...
Comparative evaluation of some interactive reference point-based methods for multi-objective optimisation
Many real-world optimisation applications include several conflicting objectives of...
A combined cutting-stock and lot-sizing problem
A combined cutting-stock and lot-sizing problem with a joint setup cost is formulated...
Renewal reward processes with fuzzy rewards and their applications to T-age replacement policies
The application of fuzzy set theory to renewal reward processes is proposed in this...
Local solutions of surveillance routing problem by partitioning the objective ships
Surveillance operation is performed, along a given standard route, in order to confirm...
Fuzzy–genetic algorithms and time-optimal obstacle-free path generation for mobile robots
This paper describes a new yet efficient technique based on fuzzy logic and genetic...
A tabu search based approach to find the Pareto optimal set in multiple objective optimization
Tabu search is a heuristic optimization technique which works with a neighbourhood of...
A structured reduced sequential quadratic programming and its application to a shape design problem
The objective of this work is to solve a model one dimensional duct design problem...
Tuning fuzzy control rules by the alpha constrained method which solves constrained nonlinear optimization problems
Learning of fuzzy control rules can be considered as a constrained nonlinear...
The maximum difference between the solution of the minimum cover problem and its relaxation problem
The minimum cover problem is a well-known NP complete one to choose a minimum number...
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