Keyword: decision

Found 1805 papers in total
Analysing maintenance strategies by FANP considering RAM criteria: a case study
Adopting the most suitable maintenance strategy is one of the main challenges that...
Integrated decision model for knowledge offshoring and outsourcing
Knowledge management (KM) has played a critical role in business management fields...
A combined graph theory and analytic hierarchy process approach for multicriteria evaluation of hydrogen energy systems
Hydrogen is a renewable energy source and has the potential to mitigate the green...
Cooperative inventory model for vendor-buyer system with unequal-sized shipment, defective items and carbon emission cost
We develop an integrated inventory model for single‐vendor single‐buyer...
Strategic manipulability of self-selective social choice rules
We provide exact relations giving the probability of individual and coalitional...
Optimal allocation of water to competing stakeholders in a shared watershed
This paper proposes a mathematical model for allocating water to stakeholders of a...
An integrated supply chain problem: a nested lagrangian relaxation approach
The integration of tactical‐level with strategic‐level decisions in the...
An empirical study of returns to scale of CPA firms in the post SOX era
This paper performs empirical tests for the returns to scale pattern of certified...
Systematic evolutionary algorithm for general multilevel Stackelberg problems with bounded decision variables (SEAMSP)
Multilevel Stackelberg problems are nested optimization problems which reply optimally...
Development of decision support system to select the best fuel blend in IC engines to enhance the energy efficiency
This paper describes an application of hybrid MCDM technique for the selection of...
Supply Network Structure, Visibility, and Risk Diffusion: A Computational Approach
Understanding and managing supply chain risks is a critical functional competency for...
Managing Imbalanced Supply Chain Relationships for Sustainability: A Power Perspective
This study adopts a power perspective to investigate sustainable supply chain...
Pricing of Full-Service Repair Contracts with Learning, Optimized Maintenance, and Information Asymmetry
This article considers the optimal pricing of full‐service (FS) repair...
Local Resources and Procurement Practices in Humanitarian Supply Chains: An Empirical Examination of Large-Scale House Reconstruction Projects
Different procurement decisions taken by relief organizations can result in...
Socially Responsible Practices: An Exploratory Study on Scale Development using Stakeholder Theory
Socially responsible practices of firms have evolved into an important area of...
The Use of Latent Semantic Analysis in Operations Management Research
In this article, we introduce the use of Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) as a technique...
Producing Synergy: Innovation, IT, and Productivity
Bringing innovations to market is critical to industrial progress and economic growth....
Point-of-Use Hybrid Inventory Policy for Hospitals
Modern point‐of‐use technology at hospitals has enabled new...
On the Issuing Policies for Perishable Items such as Red Blood Cells and Platelets in Blood Service
Red blood cells (RBCs) and platelets are examples of perishable items with a fixed...
Coping with Group Behaviors in Uncertain Quality Function Deployment
Quality function deployment (QFD) is a planning and problem‐solving tool...
Longitudinal Analysis of Inhibitors of Manufacturer Delivery Performance
This article examines demand, manufacturing, and supply factors proposed to inhibit...
Assessing Antecedents of Socially Responsible Supplier Selection in Three Global Supply Chain Contexts
A number of highly publicized, controversial lapses in social responsibility within...
Impact of Value-Added Service Features in e-Retailing Processes: An Econometric Analysis of Web Site Functions
We examine the impact of three classes of Web site functions (foundational,...
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