Keyword: scheduling

Found 2500 papers in total
Preemptive scheduling on uniformly related machines: minimizing the sum of the largest pair of job completion times
We revisit the classic problem of preemptive scheduling on m uniformly related...
Improved approaches to the exact solution of the machine covering problem
For the basic problem of scheduling a set of n independent jobs on a set of m...
Unary NP-hardness of minimizing the number of tardy jobs with deadlines
For single machine scheduling to minimize the number of tardy jobs with deadlines,...
A hybrid multi-objective immune algorithm for predictive and reactive scheduling
The high productivity of a production process has a major impact on the reduction of...
Scheduling jobs and maintenance activities subject to job-dependent machine deteriorations
This paper considers machine scheduling that integrates machine deterioration caused...
Simultaneous scheduling of football games and referees using Turkish league data
Assignment decisions of referees to football (soccer) games are highly debated in...
Microscopic Models and Network Transformations for Automated Railway Traffic Planning
This article tackles the real‐world planning problem of railway operations....
Developing Cost-Effective Inspection Sampling Plans for Energy-Efficiency Programs at Southern California Edison
This paper summarizes the results of the development and implementation of a decision...
Noninvasive Test Scheduling in Live Electricity Markets at Transpower New Zealand
In 2013, Transpower New Zealand commissioned a new high‐voltage, direct current...
Strategic Idleness and Dynamic Scheduling in an Open-Shop Service Network: Case Study and Analysis
This paper, motivated by a collaboration with a healthcare service provider, focuses...
Strong Formulations for Multistage Stochastic Self-Scheduling Unit Commitment
With the increasing penetration of renewable energy into the power grid system, the...
Scheduling Trucks in a Cross-Dock with Mixed Service Mode Dock Doors
The problem considered in this paper is how to schedule inbound and outbound trucks...
Integrated Airline Scheduling: Considering Competition Effects and the Entry of the High Speed Rail
Airlines and high speed rail are increasingly competing for passengers, especially in...
A Novel Model and Decomposition Approach for the Integrated Airline Fleet Assignment, Aircraft Routing, and Crew Pairing Problem
Given a daily flight schedule and a set of aircraft fleets, the airline scheduling...
Optimal Wave Release Times for Order Fulfillment Systems with Deadlines
Service performance of an order fulfillment system is mainly determined by how quickly...
Dynamic Control of Runway Configurations and of Arrival and Departure Service Rates at JFK Airport Under Stochastic Queue Conditions
High levels of flight delays require implementation of airport congestion mitigation...
A Continuum Approximation Approach to the Dynamic Facility Location Problem in a Growing Market
This paper proposes a continuum approximation (CA) model to solve the dynamic facility...
Optimal Solutions to a Real-World Integrated Airline Scheduling Problem
We study an integrated airline scheduling problem for a regional carrier. It...
Integrated Aircraft Routing, Crew Pairing, and Tail Assignment: Branch-and-Price with Many Pricing Problems
A significant drawback of the usual sequential airline scheduling approach is the long...
Two-Way Bounded Dynamic Programming Approach for Operations Planning in Transshipment Yards
We propose a two‐way bounded dynamic programming (TBDP) approach to deal with...
Demand-Oriented Integrated Scheduling for Point-to-Point Airlines
Optimizing an airline schedule usually comprises multiple planning stages. These are...
A Static Model in Single Leg Flight Airline Revenue Management
Static models on single leg airline revenue management generally consider booking...
Real-Time Decision Support for Crew Assignment in Double-Ended Districts for U.S. Freight Railways
Crew costs are a significant portion of rail operating expenses, and so effective...
A Memetic Multi-objective Immune Algorithm for Reservoir Flood Control Operation
Reservoir flood control operation (RFCO) is a challenging optimization problem with...
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