Keyword: scheduling

Found 2500 papers in total
A comparison of stochastic programming and bi‐objective optimisation approaches to robust airline crew scheduling
A prominent problem in airline crew scheduling is the pairings or...
An optimal decision‐making approach for the management of radiotherapy patients
In this paper, novel integer programming formulations are developed for solving the...
Capacity Allocation and Scheduling in Supply Chains
We consider a multiple product supply chain where a manufacturer receives orders from...
Multi‐population interactive coevolutionary algorithm for flexible job shop scheduling problems
In this paper, it proposes a multi‐population interactive coevolutionary...
Measuring dissimilarity of geographically dispersed space–time paths
In activity‐travel analysis, sequences are analysed both in space and time....
Integrated Airline Schedule Design and Fleet Assignment: Polyhedral Analysis and Benders' Decomposition Approach
The main airline operations consist of schedule planning, fleet assignment, aircraft...
Scheduling cross docking operations under full, partial and no information on inbound arrivals
Cross docking is a logistic technique which seeks to reduce the inventory holding,...
Project scheduling with finite or infinite number of activity processing modes ‐ A survey
This paper surveys single-project, single-objective, deterministic project scheduling...
Due date assignment in repetitive projects
This paper is concerned with the study of the constant due-date assignment policy in...
Simulation modeling and analysis of due-date assignment methods and scheduling decision rules in a dynamic job shop production system
This paper presents the salient aspects of a simulation study conducted to investigate...
A survey of the application of fuzzy set theory in production and operations management: 1998‐2009
The objectives of this research are to identify the research trends in and publication...
An efficient heuristic for medium-term planning in shampoo production
This paper presents a single machine problem which occurs in shampoo production at...
Composite sourcing policy for multiple products on a single production facility
In this paper, we address the composite sourcing policy of a single production...
Incorporating geo-metallurgical information into mine production scheduling
Economic characterization of mining parcels depends upon geo-metallurgical properties,...
Meta-heuristic algorithms for wafer sorting scheduling problems
Wafer sorting is usually regarded as the most critical stage in the whole wafer...
Learning agents for the multi-mode project scheduling problem
Intelligent optimization refers to the promising technique of integrating learning...
Round robin tournaments and three index assignments
Scheduling a sports league can be seen as a difficult combinatorial optimization...
Comprehensive approach to student sectioning
Student sectioning is the problem of assigning students to particular sections of...
Bandwidth allocation and scheduling algorithms for ethernet passive optical networks
This paper considers bandwidth allocation and scheduling problems on Ethernet Passive...
Optimisation of maintenance scheduling strategies on the grid
The emerging paradigm of Grid Computing provides a powerful platform for the...
A scatter search based hyper-heuristic for sequencing a mixed-model assembly line
We address a mixed-model assembly-line sequencing problem with work overload...
A new dispatching rule based genetic algorithm for the multi-objective job shop problem
Hyper-heuristics or ‘methodologies to choose heuristics’ are becoming...
An approach to the minimisation of makespan in the textile industry using ant colony optimisation
In modern industries, the optimisation of processes is very important to increase...
The effect of scheduling policies on operating room overtime performance
The Operating Room (OR) overtime performance depends on two sources of variability....
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