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Keyword: cognitive mapping
13 papers
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Cognitive mapping: A method to elucidate and present farmers’ risk perception
Lauwers Ludwig
Assumptions on the perceptions of risks, made in agricultural economics literature,...
Conceptualizing and Testing a Social Cognitive Model of the Digital Divide
Wei Kwok-Kee
The digital divide has loomed as a public policy issue for over a decade. Yet, a...
Mind the map! The impact of transit maps on path choice in public transit
Guo Zhan
This paper investigates the impact of schematic transit maps on passengers' travel...
Evaluating and modelling constructs for e-government decision making
Irani Z
It is now becoming increasingly well understood that the investment and evaluation of...
Instance-based cognitive mapping: a process for discovering a knowledge worker's tacit mental model
Steiger David M
This paper addresses tacit–to–explicit knowledge externalization, arguably...
Group cognitive mapping: a methodology and system for capturing and evaluating managerial and organizational cognition
Tegarden David P.
Organizations would like to capture and merge the perceptions of key individuals into...
An investigation of localization as an element of cognitive fit in accounting model representations
Dunn Cheryl
Cognitive fit, a correspondence between task and data representation format, has been...
A Bayesian network approach to making inferences in causal maps
Shenoy Prakash P.
The main goal of this paper is to describe a new graphical structure called...
Mapping distinctive competencies: A systemic approach
Ackermann F.
The paper discusses the role that formal modelling, both qualitative and quantitative,...
Cognitive maps and fuzzy implications
Marchant Thierry
A cognitive map is a collection of nodes linked by some arcs. Up to this point, there...
Using cognitive mapping in management research: Decisions about technical innovation
Swan Jacky
Case studies of firms attempting to adopt a particular type of technological...
A dynamic perspective of differences between cognitive maps
Wang Shouhong
To complement current methods used in measuring the differences between cognitive...
Measuring differences between cognitive maps
Wirth A.
A causal cognitive map is a directed network representation of an indvidual’s...
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