Keyword: programming: multiple criteria

Found 1553 papers in total
The categorical data analysis approach for ratio model of pairwise comparisons
In the Analytic Hierarchy Process, pairwise comparison values are elicited by a ratio...
Leximin optimality and fuzzy set-theoretic operations
The leximin ranking of vectors of values taken from a totally ordered set is sometimes...
On computational methods for solutions of multiobjective linear production programming games
In this paper we consider a production model in which multiple decision makers pool...
Rough approximation of a preference relation by a multi-attribute stochastic dominance for determinist and stochastic evaluation problems
Let A be a set of actions evaluated by a set of attributes. Two kinds of evaluations...
A classification of bicriterion shortest path algorithms
This is a survey paper with reference to relevant papers in the field of the...
Productivity model for the cell formation problem: A simulated annealing algorithm
A mathematical programming model is developed to identify machine groups and part...
Multiple objective cost–bottleneck time transportation problem with additional impurity constraints
This paper discusses Multiple Objective Linear Cost–Bottleneck Time...
Multiperson decision-making based on multiplicative preference relations
A multiperson decision-making problem, where the information about the alternatives...
Multiple criteria decision aids and preference disaggregation in group decision support systems
Within the frame of decision aid literature, group decision making has drawn the...
Multicriteria decision making on maintenance: Spares and contracts planning
The competitiveness of an industrial system is directly related to decision making in...
Multicriteria job evaluation for large organizations
The job evaluation problem presents particular characteristics, the most important of...
Project evaluation and selection in a network of collaboration: A consensual disaggregation multi-criterion approach
Project evaluation and selection are usually complex processes in large organizations,...
Scheduling with target start times
We address the single-machine problem of scheduling n independent jobs subject to...
Sequencing with ordered criteria, precedence and group technology constraints
Multicriteria sequencing problems with criteria ordered according to their importance...
Rethinking project selection at the Monterey Bay Aquarium
In 1995, the Monterey Bay Aquarium started an experimental business unit called...
Ideal equilibria in noncooperative multicriteria games
Pareto equilibria in multicriteria games can be computed as the Nash equilibria of...
Bicriterion distribution planning for agricultural power fuels
Distribution of commodities such as power fuels to agricultural operations often...
Efficient solution generation for the bicriterion routing problem
The Bicriterion Shortest Path Problem is a well known combinatorial problem. An...
Neural network technique for fuzzy multiobjective linear programming
Neural Network (NN) is well-known as one of powerful computing tools to solve...
Sorting cropping systems on the basis of their impact on groundwater quality
In this paper is described the implementation of a multi-criteria analysis in order to...
Optical sensor design using nonlinear programming
Nonlinear programming is used to design a non-contact high resolution optical system...
The methodology of multiple-criteria decision making in the optimization of an urban transportation system: Case study of Poznań City in Poland
The methodology of multiple-criteria decision making applied to the optimization of an...
Visualizing the optimization process in real-time using physical programming
Visualizing the optimization process in real-time can play a critical role in the...
An efficient algorithm for multiobjective transportation problems
The multiobjective transportation problem is introduced and an efficient algorithm for...
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