Keyword: meteorology

Found 54 papers in total
Impact Factors and Risk Analysis of Tropical Cyclones on a Highway Network
Coastal areas typically have high social and economic development and are likely to...
Risks and farmers’ investment in productive assets in Nigeria
The majority of farmers in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) lack the means to mitigate the...
Do rainfall conditions push or pull rural migrants: evidence from Malawi
This article uses nationally representative data from Malawi's 2004/05 Integrated...
El Niño, La Niña, and world coffee price dynamics
Coffee is produced in equatorial and subequatorial regions of the world, which are...
Using general systems theory to understand how farmers manage variability
Climate change is likely to increase the variability in environmental conditions that...
A multi‐criteria optimization model for humanitarian aid distribution
Natural disasters are phenomenons which strike countries all around the world....
Non-stationary Cross-Covariance Models for Multivariate Processes on a Globe
In geophysical and environmental problems, it is common to have multiple variables of...
Modeling the impact of global change on regional agricultural land use through an activity‐based non‐linear programming approach
Assessing the impact of climate change on agriculture is a new challenge for...
Adaptive management of stocking rates to reduce effects of drought on cow‐calf production systems in semi‐arid rangelands
The simple method we developed to stochastically generate monthly precipitation...
Regional crop modelling in Europe: The impact of climatic conditions and farm characteristics on maize yields
Impacts of climate variability and climate change on regional crop yields are commonly...
Potential value of GCM‐based seasonal rainfall forecasts for maize management in semi‐arid Kenya
We estimate the potential value of general circulation model (GCM)‐based...
The impacts of climate change on livestock and livestock systems in developing countries: A review of what we know and what we need to know
Despite the importance of livestock to poor people and the magnitude of the changes...
Management of the risk of wind damage in forestry: a graph‐based Markov decision process approach
This study deals with the problem of including the risk of wind damage in...
Model‐Supported Impact Assessment for the Water Sector in Central Germany Under Climate Change–A Case Study
Climate change challenges water managers and researchers to find sustainable...
Supply Chain Planning of Harvest and Transportation Operations after the Storm Gudrun
The storm Gudrun hit southern Sweden in January 2005 and approximately 70 million...
An Approach for Probabilistic Hydrological Drought Forecasting
This paper proposes an approach to monitor and forecast hydrological drought in a...
Maternal Hurricane Exposure and Fetal Distress Risk
Logistic regression and spatial analytic techniques are used to model fetal distress...
El Niño–Southern Oscillation Link to South Florida Hydrology and Water Management Applications
This study evaluates the relationships between El Niño–Southern...
Bio-economic assessment of climate change impacts on managed grassland production
In order to analyze impacts of climate change on managed grassland systems and to...
Modelling the effect of climate change on prevalence of malaria in western Africa
Malaria is a leading cause of infectious disease and death worldwide. As a common...
Analyzing information value of temperature forecast for the electricity demand forecasts
It is the most important success factor for the electricity generation industry to...
Advances in Decision Support Systems for flood disaster management: Challenges and Opportunities
Natural variations in the global climate are governed by complex interactions among...
Adaptive management of energy transitions in long-term climate change
The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) demands stabilization of...
Air pollution and associated respiratory morbidity in Delhi
As a rapidly expanding centre of government, trade, commerce and industry, Delhi, the...
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