Keyword: optimization

Found 2864 papers in total
On a randomized version of exhaustive local search
We introduce a stochastic version of the parallel local search algorithm. Using...
Optimized neurocontroller for vibration reduction in helicopter blades
High levels of vibrations in helicopters contribute to fatigue damage in structural...
Inventory control under speculation: Myopic heuristics and exact procedures
We consider a periodic review inventory problem in which the purchasing cost exhibits...
On the optimality of repair-cost-limit policies
An optimal repair/replacement problem for a single-unit repairable system with minimal...
Risk measurement with maximum loss
Effective risk management requires adequate risk measurement. A basic problem herein...
Optimal search for a moving target with no time information maximizing the expected reward
This paper investigates a search problem for a moving target on a network in which any...
Optimizing budget spendings for software implementation and testing
This article considers the problem of optimal allocation of the financial budget to a...
Two evolutionary metaheuristics for the vehicle routing problem with time windows
The vehicle routing problem with time windows (VRPTW) is an extension of the...
Implementation of generalised cross-correlation with large changes in parameters using genetic algorithms
This paper is concerned with the implementation of a new image processing technique...
Global state space approach for the efficient numerical solution of state-constrained trajectory optimization problems
A new approach based on a global state space form is introduced for solving trajectory...
Optimization under fuzzy rule constraints
Suppose we are given a mathematical programming problem in which the functional...
An efficient evolutionary programming algorithm
A novel evolutionary programming algorithm, which not only has a rapid convergence...
Stepwise decomposition approaches for large scale cell formation problems
Cell formation is one of the major steps in cellular manufacturing system design. In...
Optimal cell flipping to minimize channel density in VLSI design and pseudo-Boolean optimization
Cell flipping in VLSI design is an operation in which some of the cells are replaced...
Clustering bipartite and chordal graphs: Complexity, sequential and parallel algorithms
We study a group of clustering problems on bipartite and chordal graphs. Our objective...
A model for allocated versus actual costs in assignment and transportation problems
We present a simple mathematical model which will relate the actual cost spent in...
Computing optimal rectilinear Steiner trees: A survey and experimental evaluation
The rectilinear Steiner tree problem is to find a minimum-length rectilinear...
A O (n) algorithm for projecting a vector on the intersection of a hyperplane and Rn+
We present a O ( n ) time algorithm for the projection of a vector on the intersection...
Grouping customers for better allocation of resources to serve correlated demands
In this paper, we discuss a common decision-making problem arising in the allocation...
Structural shape optimization using evolution strategies
The objective of this paper is to investigate the efficiency of combinatorial...
Design of single sampling plans by variables indexed by Taguchi's quadratic loss function
Assume that the lot quality characteristics obey N(μ,σ 2 ) . Then, JIS Z 9004...
Inventory and investment in setup operations under return on investment maximization
In this paper, we construct and analyze inventory and investment in setup operations...
Fenchel-type duality for matroid valuations
The weighted matroid intersection problem has recently been extended to the valuated...
A three-dimensional matching model for perishable production scheduling
In the production of perishable goods, particular stress is often given to performance...
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